Last Concepts

In this text it was a little challenging to find concepts to describe because they were different kind of texts. More than finding new concepts, I could relate the readings with concepts I had already seen and also could add some information to what I already knew. They were both interesting reading, but as it was my first time reading a meta-analysis or at least knowing what it is, I thought this one particularly interesting.

During the reading of the first text, my first action was to find out what a script and a rubric were, since the text was a comparison of their use. As they are new concepts to me, although not new tools, I will mention them here.

Rubrics Useful Assessment ToolsRubric: Is a self-assessment tool that has a list of criteria for assessing the task. It also has a scale for grading the different levels and a description for each of the levels to be graded. This tool gives more information to the person when performing a task and also provides a standard performance.

ScriptScript: It is also a self-assessment tool and its characteristic is to present specific structured questions that provide steps for the person to follow in order to perform a task.

It is worth mentioning that related to learning outcomes research showed that there was no difference in the use of rubrics or scripts as tools but in self-regulating, the use of script was more positive than the use of rubrics.

I will also write some of the concepts I related to during the readings and added new information:

Feedback: It was mentioned in both texts and in both it was said that it is a tool for motivating the students. In the research it was found that when students had a feedback of their work centered in the process they presented an increasing of self-efficacy and when the feedback was based on performance only, it did not have the same effect. It was also presented in the meta-analysis that the most effective training programs in self-regulation were the ones who provided a feedback to the students based on the process or strategies the students used and their effect on the final result. This way, the feedback worked as a tool for controlling action and it influenced positively the final result.

Another concept I think relates to the readings is volition because the meta-analysis study stated that students need to be thought strategies for self-regulating themselves but they also need to be shown the benefits in self-regulating themselves. They need to have the skill and the will to self-regulate. If they have only one of these items, they will not self-regulate effectively because as it was said, students can overcome obstacles when they can all upon volitional strategies (Kuhl &Kraska).

Another concept in the text relates to task interpretation because it was said that the low effect that group work presented might be due to the fact that the students did not have enough knowledge of what they were supposed to do. In order to a group work to be successful the students need to know the rules on how to behave and what is expected of them so that they can develop as a group in order to achieve the goals. This is also important because more and more team work is being used in working life and it would be very important that people would develop the ability of working in group already in early age.

About Ana Vargas

I am a student at LET, Learning Education and Technology program, at the University of Oulu, in Finland

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